Home > The Cost of Preoccupation...

The Cost of Preoccupation...

February 10th, 2007 at 07:28 pm

Ok- Ive been pretty preoccupied this past month and have ran my budget off in the ditch...(the bad)

and, I have managed a small amount of success in the weight loss category (the good)

and, I am jumbling keeping up with parents, housework, and thinking about going back to work...(good and bad, not necessarily in that order) all my well-pump chaos and my crummy December with H....I managed to forget one HUGE thing that I was supposed to take care of...

Oh boy guys...this is very irresponsible of me and I am ashamed to admit it.

But here goes...


I totally spaced having Anna spayed...and now, more stress because of it...and I am such a stickler about unplanned for litters...but there you have it...From the looks of Anna, I have about 3-4 weeks before the arrival...

I guess the good news is that it will be a little warmer for these pups...

sigh...Ok, time to buck up and start getting ready.

Will someone make a mental note to remind me at the first of May to make that appointment????????????

geeze Ray.

4 Responses to “The Cost of Preoccupation...”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I will! You don't need anymore stress right now!!

  2. living_in_oz Says:

    Don't feel bad. We have a stray cat that has adopted us as her family. She's already had one litter of kittens. My plan was to have her spayed before the Spring mating season arrived. Well, the fact that every male cat within a 5 mile radius has been at my house for the past two days tells me that I'm too late! Guess we'll have more kittens in a few week....
    Hey, can I talk you into a kitten anybody???LOL

    PS-Try explaining to an 8 year old why a bunch of tom cats keep "fighting" with Taco(the cat).

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    Yeah, that neutering thing is SO important. The little ones are darling, but I worry so that they won't find good homes. Put a big red "S" on your May calendar!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Oops! Maybe you will have a litter of girls this time! :-) Easter puppies??? Sorry things have been so out of control for you! Hope the springtime brings a new peace to your home!

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