Home > Today is the day!

Today is the day!

February 13th, 2007 at 04:22 pm

The meeting is today.

I am a little nervous..but am also glad its here and I can start the process. This is not a formal interview, but rather a meeting to discuss the possibility.

We are leaving for the coast on Thursday ( tomorrow if H can get tomorrow off too) and wont be home until Monday afternoon. My family enjoys riding quads on the dunes...(not me, I enjoy knitting and reading- I am not one of those adrenalin junkies)

I will try to post this afternoon on how that meeting goes.

2 Responses to “Today is the day!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck, Ray!

  2. JanH Says:

    Good luck! Sending good thoughts....

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