First, I will start with the scariest hour of my life.
Yesterday afternoon, we were enjoying a peaceful afternoon when the phone rang. It was DD2 (who is vacationing in California with DD3 and family). She was FRANTIC...they had LOST MY GRANDSON- age 2 1/2 at Laguna Beach. He'd been missing for about 20 minutes when she called. The police hadnt arrived yet...and GS was nowhere in sight. Do you know how long 30 minutes is when life does a total flipflop like that?? It took another 30 minutes before they found him. Luckily, a family saw GS and brought him to the police (GS had wandered almost a half mile away...down the beach)...Thank GOD this had a happy ending.
I made pasta fagioli soup last night, which provides lunch for most of this week. I am going to use up the meat in the freezer for other meals this week. I am going to see how cheaply I can feed us for.
Since the girls are on vacation, I am running the business---and talk about timing...The weather is great and our first newpaper advertisement just came I anticipate this being a busy week for the that off with puppies coming (today, I believe) and I am going to be one busy girl!!!
My only thought today is thank God my grandson is safe and with his mom...I never lost a child...and it is the scariest feeling Ive ever he is at the "Happiest Place on Earth"...visiting with Mickey Mouse....
Plans for a Frugal Week
March 12th, 2007 at 04:30 pm
March 12th, 2007 at 05:49 pm 1173721755
March 12th, 2007 at 05:57 pm 1173722269
March 14th, 2007 at 05:45 am 1173851131
I am so glad the child was found safe. They do give us the best and the worst moments of our lives, I think.