Home > ate and spent

ate and spent

April 23rd, 2007 at 04:35 am

I have been trying to stick with my eating plan---but this weekend was tough. I have felt like crud, super tired, a little cranky and because of the date on the monthly calendar...well, a little hungrier than normal..add the fact that I can't really taste anything, it was nana's birthday (70) and gs's birthday (3) and it adds up to some (ok a truckload)extra calories...not so healthy choices..and well, just bad habits resurfacing.

Snap out of it!

Um, ok.

So, I have packed my lunch for tomorrow...lite turkey on rye, mustard, lettuce, no cheese. Low fat string cheese, crystal lite and some almonds for snack. I will toss in a piece of fruit and take some home brewed coffee and Im set for the day...I will 'just say no' to those rootbeer floats DH has promised to make, yum, but NO!

Back on problem. (?), right?

Now if I could just get my head to feel like its out of this tunnel....ugh.

Today was all about birthday cake, barbqued burgers and chips... none of it on the food plan.

I didn't spend any money all weekend..hard to spend when you are on the couch...with kleenex and nyquil.(sp?)

However, Dh did-- I just don't know how much. He did the grocery shopping so I am sure it was more than I would have! sigh.

and, back to work tomorrow.

4 Responses to “ate and spent”

  1. baselle Says:

    Water, lots of water, flavored with Airborne or Emergen-C is helpful here. Also the "later" technique for the workplace temptations. "That sounds great, I'll have some in a few minutes (later)." If its going well, later never comes. Big Grin

  2. boomeyers Says:

    I love Baselles advice!
    Hope you feel better soon buddy! Hope Nana and GS had a great birthday celebration!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Feel better soon!!

  4. fairy74 Says:

    Hope you feel good again soon! Smile I love baselle's advice too!

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