Home > disclaimer * pity party for one....

disclaimer * pity party for one....

June 1st, 2007 at 04:03 am

My dad is in the hospital and not doing so good.

Wow guys...I am remembering the stress of a full time job (even one you love) + a sick loved one + lack of sleep + a husband who works the opposite shift of yours.

Needless to say stressed, pooped and scared is a sucky place to be.

and what does all that do to a time for shopping, cooking, or packing a add to everything else and extra pound or two or five from a sucky fast food diet (not to mention the lack of energy)...and the added cost that lack of preparation brings...and you have a really bad cocktail.

My birthday is this weekend...and I have two that my dad makes it...and the other that if he continues to suffer, that he passes peacefully and is that for truly contradicting matters of the heart.


14 Responses to “disclaimer * pity party for one....”

  1. Amber Says:

    I am sorry to hear about your dad and will keep you and your family in my prayers. Remember it is ok to be scared, again my heart goes out to you and your family

  2. JanH Says:

    I am so sorry about your dad. I hope he has a more comfortable weekend and that you get a restful birthday. Take care of yourself and keep us posted. Thoughts going out to your dad and your family.

  3. momandmurray Says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May all your wishes come true!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    {{{HUGS}}} buddy! I will be thinking about you constantly! Keep us posted on Papa. Hopefully you will have a lovely UNEVENTFUL birthday!

  5. homebody Says:

    Prayers sent.

  6. MsSuperSaver Says:

    What a big heart you have! The part about letting your dad go so he doesn't suffer takes so much compassion because you are putting his needs before your own. I wish you a happy birthday and your dad whatever is for his best and highest good. {{{sending prayers}}}
    p.s. Splurge on some good, healthy take out food. You--and your continued health--deserve it!

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm sorry, Ray. And happy birthday.

  8. Broken Arrow Says:

    Happy birthday, Ray. Sorry to hear what's going on with your father. May you all find peace and serenity.

  9. fern Says:

    I hope your dad is as comfortable as he can be. And happiest of birthdays to you.

  10. Ima saver Says:

    Hang in there Ray!!I am sorry things are so stressful.

  11. scfr Says:

    Take good care of yourself.

  12. lieweheksie Says:

    Happy Birthday- wishing you peace and comfort

  13. baselle Says:

    Hang in there, Ray. Hospice really helped my mother out, and in doing so, helped us quite a bit. Wishing for the best under your circumstances.

    A bag of salad with the fast food might balance things out a bit. Gotta be better than french fries.

  14. homebody Says:

    I hope you enjoyed your birthday with your family.

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