"Your dad can go home on Friday".
Music to a daughters ears. He is still very weak, but he is coming home.
"This is going to an outpatient surgery"
My mom is having surgery tomorrow...I am hoping, hoping that it goes well and is indeed the outpatient surgery they expect (last time, she almost bled out and spent several days in in the hospital...)
"Mom, Im running a 102 fever...and the doc just said strep throat"
DD2, who was supposed to take charge of my parents care for the next three days is suddenly OUT of commission....
Followed by: "can you keep GS tonight"
so me and GS are having a sleep over---he is presently watching 'sponge bob'.
"If I really need you here, Ill let you know- otherwise, take as much time as you need"
My new boss...who understand a dad in the hospital, a mom having surgery and a daughter (single mom with child)with strep throat.
phrases I hope to hear tomorrow:
your dad is well enought to go home tomorrow...your moms surgery went just fine...mom, Im all better...."I wuv you gramma"...
"you won the lottery" would be welcome too...
Phrases this week...
June 7th, 2007 at 04:40 am
June 7th, 2007 at 05:47 am 1181191653
June 7th, 2007 at 07:15 am 1181196909
I know the year my dad was sick, I was operating pretty close to the edge of OK-ness. When he did die, I then spent about a year even less OK. But, time does help with all this....it's now been 7 years and I did live through it all. Stronger definately, and truly grateful for the parents I was blessed with.
June 7th, 2007 at 11:06 am 1181210794
June 7th, 2007 at 03:18 pm 1181225891
June 7th, 2007 at 07:47 pm 1181242045
June 8th, 2007 at 02:28 am 1181266115