Thank Goodness it's Freakin' Friday!
Papa is home..
Nana is home...
DD2 is all better...
and I survived!!!
For tonight, it's all good...
Oh guys, I am a financial failure lately. This morning, Im standing in my kitchen thinking..."It must be close to the end of the month, I need to get the money into the account for my home loan to process..."...that's end of month = May.
What the heck happened to the end of MAY??? SH(*T
So...I hurry into town, pick up nana from the hospital...the hospital has lost her clothes...she is frantic...and they take out the IV and she bleeds all over the clothes I brought her...nothing we can do, but take her all blood stained to dialysis...
Get her to dialysis...she is weak, sick to her tummy and her BP is through the roof...I rush off to work, call papa en-route...he sounds so weak, but is so excited to be coming home...I will pick him up at noon...then nana, then, get meds, lunch , and head home and figure out how to get them up those 4 stairs on their porch...but that's in 3 hours...
for now, I have this home loan to deal with...
Get to the bank, walk up to the teller...and lose it. We're talking major melt down in a public place. gads.
Get tissue, wipe eyes and manage to conjure up..."is my loan payment LATE".
Her to my ears...NO, you have a 15 day grace and you're well "OK sniff, Id sniff like to sniff pay it sniff now"...
Ok, tonight is all about unwinding (GS is spending the night a little gramma time too), but tomorrow, is all about budget and bills...and a few loads of laundry...after, of course, I bathe, dress and feed my parents- who I am so lucky to still have!!!
Hugs to all of you for your kind thoughts. You are truly a blessing in this tired, stressed life of mine!!!
June 9th, 2007 at 03:16 am
June 9th, 2007 at 03:51 am 1181357498
June 9th, 2007 at 01:12 pm 1181391171
June 9th, 2007 at 01:45 pm 1181393112
June 9th, 2007 at 03:37 pm 1181399865
June 9th, 2007 at 09:36 pm 1181421397
June 10th, 2007 at 05:51 am 1181451114