Home > When papa's not well..

When papa's not well..

June 18th, 2007 at 02:37 am

We came up with plan "b" today when papa wasn't up to going out.

DH decided to "japanese' style our bbq. I made some jazimine rice, cut up some zuccini and onions...and added some soy sauce to the bbqd steak...end result, a meal that would easily compete with a japanese meal any day...

Papa was much too weak to go out, but still enjoyed a great meal with family. Cost, much less than it would have been...without comprimising taste...or using too much energy for actually...and as an added benefit...we got to play with the grandbabies too!!

What a great, inexpensive day...with all the joy a day can hold.

I hope your fathers day easily rivaled ours!

2 Responses to “When papa's not well..”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Glad you had such a wonderful day!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Your bbq sounds yummy! Glad it was a nice day together!

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