Ok, here is my story....
I have decided that I need a past-time. The husband works nights, the teen is busy doing teen stuff...and I am spending way too much time home alone in the evenings.
So, I have a couple of ideas.
1. Take a class. I think I might like to take a class...I know I could use a written grammar brush-up with this position Im in...I just have to go through some sort of college test and enroll and then pay some money to take the class...
2. A part time job...um, no. at least I think no....maybe?
3. Join a gym. The gym would get me moving...and maybe help me continue on my size 12 journey...which I achieved and then lost within a couple of weeks due to alot of unplanned fast food...more on this later.
However....the gym that is convenient is clearly designed for those size 2-8 under 30 folks...um, not me.
Any size 2-8 under 30 folks on this site who care to share insight of the middle aged (46) year olds who really need to move more...and whether they are welcome or not in said gym?
Let's just say, I didnt get the warm fuzzies when I stopped by to check it out this afternoon...and left after NO ONE asked if they could help me... to their credit...I guess I should add that I didnt ever see anyone who appeared to be working during the entire two minutes I hung around with the other patrons...did I mention I was a little self-consious??
Ok...so gym may be out....part-time job is probably out, since I am not sure I want to commit to anyone right now. Classes...well, that is still a maybe.
Family update- my dad is back in the hospital. He spent most of this week in ICU...but is in a regular room today. When he comes home, it will be assisted...not sure what that means.
Ideas on groovy things to do when you are in a semi empty, very lonely nest??
Am I really too old (or fat) for the gym???
Am I too old for the gym?
June 22nd, 2007 at 04:51 am
June 22nd, 2007 at 06:20 am 1182489613
June 22nd, 2007 at 06:40 am 1182490848
Two things -
the 5-7pm time slot is the "pickup" time. Gyms really have a different feel depending on the hour. Just off-hand, its quietest at my gym 10-11am, 2-3pm, even 3-4pm is okay. At 4pm the trainers often are gone or going and you get the after-work pickup vibe. And I did go after 5pm and ick!
a gym buddy can be very helpful.
June 22nd, 2007 at 10:41 am 1182505276
June 22nd, 2007 at 12:48 pm 1182512889
June 22nd, 2007 at 02:43 pm 1182519825
June 22nd, 2007 at 03:39 pm 1182523168
In the fall I might take a class.
June 22nd, 2007 at 03:58 pm 1182524303
Does your town have any evening book clubs? How about foreign movies at the library?
Yes, check out Curves.
Sorry to hear about your dad.
June 22nd, 2007 at 04:52 pm 1182527551
June 22nd, 2007 at 05:08 pm 1182528486
I'm another fan of Curves - kind of social, and a workout to boot.
Here, through our school district, there's all kind of community education classes - exercise, cooking, art, writing, etc. Do you have something like that?
Also, as mentioned, book clubs, writing groups, knitting/crafting/quilting/etc clubs, cooking clubs - maybe they exist somewhere near you, or if you're compelled, you may want to start up a group. At one time, I started up a quilters group - used free space at the library and sent a free announcement that was printed in our local paper. I know others who started a sewing club and a writers circle this way too. (I know they may sound a bit stodgy, but they weren't - just a fun way to get to do what you keep meaning to and a great way to meet some new friends. The writers circle I was in was far from stodgy - whew, the stories I could tell!)
June 22nd, 2007 at 07:36 pm 1182537384
I guess I personally never got the whole "gym is for young/skinny people thing." I'd go if I could fit it in the budget.
But if you just can't bring yourself to do it I have heard GREAT thing about Curves. On the flip side though everyone raves about it but no one sticks with it - kind of a fad if you ask me. But it might help you get going.
Good Luck!
June 22nd, 2007 at 07:39 pm 1182537589
June 22nd, 2007 at 08:29 pm 1182540583
But for taking classes, take a PE class! Colleges usually have gyms and classes that teach you how to use the equipment. Maybe you could take an early morning class or an evening class. Once you learn about the machines, then you could decide if you want to join a gym. Since Curves is women only, it is an option, but you aren't in exactly a big town - do you want to travel to it? Is there a YMCA by you instead?
Is there a bookstore or somewhere interesting to get a part time job? Cause it would have to be a FUN job just for you! Otherwise it would'nt be worth your time.
Hope Papa pulls out of whatever has him and comes home soon. Assited care is important in keeping him healthy once he gets home.
June 30th, 2007 at 01:59 am 1183165157
Are there any community education classes you can take? The community college here has those and there's a wide variety of things to take.