After over 6 months...two of our 15 county libraries reopened this week. They are open fewer hours (24 oer week for now)...but they are open...and that is more than we've had for most of this year.
DD1 and I are going to visit one of the two open libraries tomorrow. I have missed having the library and am very happy to see it opened again. Ive been looking online for books to reserve. Now that I am back at work, the biggest library is convenient---right down the street from my job.
I took today second vacation day in over 6 months. It was a nice day. Blustery, but gorgeous with fall leaves blowing everywhere. We did a little christmas shopping...and I found a few really good deals. Macys had a nice 3 qt soup pot/lid on sale for $8.99 down from $20. These are perfect for a batch of soup for 4 or less, which describes most of my extended family. I am going to make a cook book with soup recipes...and add a nice wooden spoon...and for about $10, have a great gift. (I bought 6 of the pots today.)This is our annual 'girls trip' weekend. We stayed home for a variety of reasons: Money, papa, new jobs, new babies...etc. We normally would have each spent $200+ for hotel, gas and food...and today's expenses were under $20 each for food and it is saving money...just not quite the same as getting out of town. But it does feel good to save so much..and still have a wonderful time with my girls.
We have a toasty fire going tonight. It was 34 this morning...and will most likely dip lower tonight since the skies are clear.Thank goodness for free firewood...I hope it keeps us within the budget this winter.
My daughters chihuahua (sp?) is having puppies in a couple of weeks...cute little dogs...I miss Grace and am not sure a little dog would become as good of a companion...but I am looking forward to the litter and seeing how cute they are.
I am starting to think papa might make it to his 75th birthday in January...he has had many good days lately and is off of the home nursing care. Guess its time to start planning for a the bash!!
Our little commune here has grown by one more. DD3's (15) BF family lost their home to a fire and have been he is living in our travel trailer in the interim... My boss calls this the sandwich I have parents, kids, grown kids back home with their children and now displaced friends of my kids living out here.(9+ most days)..We are now up to 4 different households on two
Needless to say...its all good here guys!!
Library is open again!!
October 27th, 2007 at 06:30 am
October 27th, 2007 at 03:21 pm 1193494872
October 27th, 2007 at 05:54 pm 1193504098
October 28th, 2007 at 06:10 pm 1193595047
October 29th, 2007 at 03:28 am 1193628523