Home > Boy/Girl...we will know tomorrow!

Boy/Girl...we will know tomorrow!

March 13th, 2008 at 04:41 am

You guys might remember...I learned about this newest grandbaby being "on the way" the same night I put both my parents in the ER and learned my dad's heart was failing and we would only have him a few more days.

The circle of life in its purest form.

We find out tomorrow if she is a she or he is a he...DD1 already has a secretly I am hoping for a DS for them. (right after healthy of course)

Thank you to everyone for the well wishes on the blogoversary...I dont know how to add that little ticker but...I am now 364 days from my next blogoversary!!

My boss again today mentioned that I will get to go to DC next year...Wouldnt it be neat if I could meet some of you east coast bloggers??...hmm, we have about a year to plan...

I am going to rework the budget this weekend to insure that I am setting aside enough to take some extra time while in DC..I am sure there is much I need to see???? Perhaps some of you can provide ideas??

I will let you know if we are knitting pink or blue tomorrow!!!

6 Responses to “Boy/Girl...we will know tomorrow!”

  1. baselle Says:

    Putting the little blue thingee on is straightforward. You go to, type in your blog birth date, it generates a bit of code that you cut and paste into your About Me panel.

  2. Mooshocker Says:

    God bless you and your family. I pray for a healthy child no matter what the sex..(but here is to a boy).

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Gosh, I would love to meet you Ray. I wish Georgia was closer to D>C. If you pass Walter Reed hospital, think of me. I was born there a long, long time ago!!

  4. miclason Says:

    ooooh! is always so exciting!

  5. boomeyers Says:

    I hope baby cooperates! Smile DD3 would do nothing but moon us for the first few times we looked!
    Wish I lived in DC or close by, let me know when you will be going, DH has been wanting to go on a trip there!

  6. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I lived in DC when I was little. I always wanted to go back there. I never saw any sights. We went there, but I only remember the reflecting pool and my uncle telling me there were alligators in there to keep me out of it.
    Have fun, and best wishes to you and yours.

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