How many of you were ready for the weekend this week as we wrapped up our first week of daylight savings time?
I know I was.
My body is fighting adjusting getting up that hour early..Ive been rolling out of bed a good 30 minutes later than usual...I sure hope by Monday I am all adjusted.
Then, getting home in the afternoon when it is still sunny has got me eager for a full day of sunshine to enjoy...(so why the heck did it rain today???) Murphy's law of course!!
Top it off with some gorgeous blooming daffodils...and you have Spring weekend fever!!
In spite of the rain, I enjoyed my Saturday. Went to the library (free), stopped at Ross and picked up baby boy things ($36) for my newest grandson (who is due in August) and then came home and spent the afternoon with the hub, DD3 and GS (more free fun!).
I am still reading Eat, Pray, Love..(free, from library)...I am still on the Eat part of the journey..not sure I would recommend the book or not...but will let you know as I progress to Pray...
Tomorrow is all about house work and laundry..(sorta free, but alot of work!)...I can only hope it is warm enough (and dry enough) to get to hang the laundry outside.(which would save a little $$)..wishful thinking???-we will see!
Daylight savings = thankfulness for the weekend!
March 16th, 2008 at 04:13 am
March 16th, 2008 at 06:32 am 1205649138
March 16th, 2008 at 01:03 pm 1205672621
March 16th, 2008 at 01:13 pm 1205673185
March 16th, 2008 at 03:41 pm 1205682083