Home > Computer help needed

Computer help needed

March 19th, 2008 at 04:24 am

The hub accidentally kicked my laptop. which broke a small corner of the screen. Now, the whole screen is slowly filling in with this black stuff.

Is there anyway to fix this???

Am I just destined to spend MORE on a computer before this one is even paid off???

I hate this...but I am slowly watching my screen disappear...(it happend this past weekend.)

I have an HP dv6353d.

All help and advice, GREATLY appreciated...

Thanks guys!

2 Responses to “Computer help needed”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    i dont know, but i think that perhaps it might not be very good news Frown is it under warranty?perhaps you could take it in? even if its not, it might be worth taking it in somewhere so they can look at it, you might be able to get the screen replaced for a lot less than replacing the whole computer

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Not good!

    Black stuff means the liquid crystal in the display is slowly but surely leaking.

    Only way to "fix it" is to replace the whole LCD screen.

    Unless you have warranty, this isn't going to be cheap at all. In fact, depending on how old your laptop is, it MAY be better to replace it with another laptop.

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