Home > Community Service

Community Service

March 23rd, 2008 at 03:50 am

One thing I absolutely LOVE about my job is the commitment our staff makes to community service.

Today, we repacked a whole bunch of food for Access, which will take the repacked boxes and make available to seniors and people with disabilities. We took cases of food, separated it into boxes of goods that will aid and assist nutritional needs of folks who would otherwise do without.

It was a long morning...but a very rewarding one.

Do you do community service?? If not, I recommend this as a way to refresh your spirit...there is no feeling quite like the one you get from helping others.

6 Responses to “Community Service”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I am always hauling my Girl Scouts around doing something or other. They are bummed because they can't do the Salvation Army, they have a 18 year old limit. We do the humane society, clean parks, help at Leftovers which sells recyclable stuff to teachers and stuff, like TP rolls, glass jars, bottles, etc. We used to do stuff at nursing homes, but it seems like they all have event planners now and have a harder time squeezing us in. We have collected undergarments for the soilders and teaching younger kids stuff.

  2. baselle Says:

    I work for a non-profit (initials are UW), so yep, I do some community service - said non-profit hosts a Day of Caring kickoff in September, where groups from companies are matched with non-profit projects. The most interesting and mind-stretching project I ever participated in was partnering with a homeless guy helping to sell Real Change (a street newspaper) along with talking to businesses to support that street newspaper. Also, couple of years ago I volunteered Saturday mornings Jan - Apr to do free tax prep.

  3. aevans1206 Says:

    I work at a local high school. We require our students to acquire 80 hours of community service before graduation and I regularly chaperone community service trips when I can. I believe we should start them WAY younger. Kids need to learn about being kind, giving, caring and productive members of the community.

  4. Amber Says:

    I do not do any community service but I am a note taker for the college for students with disabilities, and you are right it is such a great feeling. My nephew who at the time was 4 and had a pair of old shoes and my brother said one day he came home and went into his room and then the bathroom and he was cleaning the %^% out of his shoes. When he asked what he was doing he was cleaning them for a classmate whose shoes had holes. I thought that was such a touching story at such a young age he knows how to share/give

  5. fern Says:

    When i started my new job, i had to give up my volunteer work with the food pantry. I am hoping my new employer will organize some interesting volunteer activities for employees, especially if it's environmental.

  6. monkeymama Says:

    Yes. I much rather do community service than give money, personally. Far more rewarding.

    I haven't done much since having kids, but dh has picked up the slack and volunteers much time to the public TV station (fitting for him). I used to volunteer with wildlife rehab, which I LOVED, but quit when first pregnant, concerned about the diseases. I haven't decided what to do next. I would love to volunteer at the food bank. Thinking of jumping in somewhere this summer, when things slow at work. I really loved the wildlife rehab because the busy time was summer, when it is slow for me at work. I just want anything that has nothing to do with OFFICE work. Though I think that is what I am best suited for. Kind of just want to do something different though.

    Of course BM starts school this year and we are required to donate a lot of hours there too. Though I think dh will do most of it. When we moved here dh had never volunteered a day in his life. HE has really changed. I feel glad if I can't find the time that someone in our house is contributing. I really encouraged him to start volunteering when he couldn't find a job and we were waiting for our first monkey to be born. I have always volunteered since high school, various things, and think it is important to be involved and to help. Unfortunately, dh has far more time and so we lay all the social responsibility on him of late. That will change soon enough...

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