Home > Argh...Disorganization is EXPENSIVE

Argh...Disorganization is EXPENSIVE

March 29th, 2008 at 04:39 am

Oh guys, I am ashamed of the content of this post..but if I don't own it, I will never change.

I literally threw away $250 this wait...$265...$274....

Ok, $274 forever lost and it is all because Ive been disorganized and not paying attention like I need to. And it makes me FRUSTRATED!!

The $250 is the pre-paid medical that I paid in 2007. I thought I had until March 30 to turn in claims and get reimbursed...but alas, it was only til the 15th and there is no wiggle room. Just like THAT $250 is gone. I, again, got a debit of 8.95 from Netflix because I have misplaced the little sleeve thing to mail back a movie...and $14.95 to Napster because I foolishly allowed DD3 to use my card to set up an account and now we are having trouble getting th account closed. CLASSIC examples of the cost of disorganization...

VERY EXPENSIVE "oops" stuff...and I am really, really kicking myself. bleh. phooey.


I am resolving Netflix and Napster this weekend. The other, well, I am going to make certain my prepaid medical is put to good use well before the end of 2008.

You are all welcome to witness the public flogging if I do not take care of these as promised!

7 Responses to “Argh...Disorganization is EXPENSIVE”

  1. JanH Says:

    I hear ya! Between disorganization and proscratination, I've lost a lot of money. Working on that myself! Hang in there. We'll get it together.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Have you tried the Redbox movies? Only $1 per night. My husband won't use anything else anymore.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:


  4. rduell Says:

    Dave Ramsey would say you've paid stupid tax. LOL I know how much it hurts though.

  5. aevans1206 Says:

    Oh honey, I know your pain. That's been my world forever. I've been hitting the disorganization thing up aggressively lately, and I'll tell ya', once you do it you'll feel a lot better. I hope I don't sound preachy, but I'm going to give you a few things I do that help me out:

    1) organize all important papers into an accordian file according to categories you deem important

    2)keep a small container for all bills or things needed in the immediate future (I pay bills every two weeks--payday--but I also keep our netflix envelopes or anything that needs to be filled out/mailed, or even looked at in there). I go through it every two weeks, so it's always refreshed and organized.

    3) open your mail everyday and sort it into three piles: garbage, shred, keep (put the keep into that container for things you need to use) I used to let the mile pile up on various chairs in the house, never to be looked at. Bad, bad, bad habit.

    4)when done with a netflix, mail it immediately. I do it the morning after we watch one. It works wonders.

    I don't know if this helps. We could always chat about strategies because I'm ALWAYS looking to get better--I'm a hot mess.


  6. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    We've probably all done it.

    Get back up on that horse, and ride, Cowgirl!!! Feel the breeze of organization blowing thru your hair.

    Do you do Flylady at all? She's working thru Facing Your Finances right now. She might have some tips that you haven't thought of as well. I'm facing the piles of files as we speak this a.m. as we are finally getting ready to go do taxes on Monday!! (Prod, Prod, Prod - Hubster is the slow poke on this stuff EVERY YEAR. RAFeLDURFRAZITT!!) He's got it all spread out - on MY side of the desk!

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Sorry, Ray!!

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