Thank you friends for all of your support regarding my mom. We are taking things one day at a time and I will post as we learn the results...
Now about my mind lately...I truly feel like the "before" picture lately...or the poster child for what you dont want to do.
I finally took care of the Netflix issue..NO, I did not mail the movie back because it somehow got misplaced after I delegated the mailing to, after procrastinating 5 months and then just paying for the darn movie, I figure I spent $60 dollars..the ironic part...I NEVER WATCHED THE MOVIE. ugh.
Oh well, I can check that off the list now.
Today, I took my books back to the library...unfortunately, there were a few I could not renew online as they had been reserved by others...I should have returned them before vacation, but got busy and completely over $10 in late fees today...and again, ironically...for BOOKS I DIDNT FINISH READING! ugh again... least I am not on the most wanted list at the library anymore.
I think the biggest irony is that I often counsel others on budgets and finance...and have helped several friends and family get on track....and then I do really dumb stuff like this.
Aich...I need to walk my own talk...I need to practice what I preach...I need to do as I say instead of as I do....
50 lashes with a wet dollar bill--and a commitment to do better now that I have a fairly clean slate.
Lately, I am the poster child for how NOT to do things
April 16th, 2008 at 05:42 am
April 16th, 2008 at 05:53 am 1208321592
April 16th, 2008 at 12:59 pm 1208347162
I'm the same trying to stick to a food diet and away from the chocolate !! :-)
I know it is easier said than done sometimes, but when we done slip up, we shouldn't beat ourselves up over it too much because then we might just say "fxxx it" and go on a major binge !! haha
Best wishes for your mom
April 16th, 2008 at 02:33 pm 1208352796
Life HAPPENS ya know!
But does it always have to happen w/FEES???? Gaaaa!!!
I woke up this morning with resolve to MAKE A LIST. I always get MUCH more accomplished and less things like this happen to me when I'm faithful to making a daily To-Do list.
Let's just try to turn today into a Ta-Da day and get lots crossed off.
Hugs & Kisses to you and Nana both!!!
Oh and wipe that drop off your back, you look much better when those dollar bills are tucked neatly in your purse instead!
April 16th, 2008 at 03:52 pm 1208357544
April 16th, 2008 at 05:50 pm 1208364612
Things will eventually get better.