So much for jumping into the housework this morning while GS was about 6:45am, I hear this little voice "Hi Gramma, the suns out!"...drasted sun!!! (But I forgive it looks like a gorgeous day for hanging the laundry!!)
So, we got up to make waffles and low and behold the milk monsters (aka the hub and DD3) had tanked the milk and we have none...Luckily, I froze the extra waffles from last time GS and I made them--so we popped a couple in the toaster and, while it was not his preference, he was satisfied with the results.
Now we are watching Sponge Bob while gramma wakes up and has some coffee.
My youngest GD (7 months) is coming for a visit today too. Her mom has a nail appt and asked if I could watch her...a real treat since I do not see her as often as the other two grandbabies. She is a very unique baby. Does not smile on demand like most little ones ...she holds her smiles for those truly deserving moments...the rest of the time she is carefully studying and considering. I have never seen a baby quite like her...and she is so beautiful.
Thankfully, DD3 is here and has offered to help with the kids today so mom can catch up on the housework..Im not sure how it happens, but it sure seems like no matter how hard I try, the house takes a nosedive each week and I spend way too much time getting back to livable on the weekends. I truly envy those of you who are organized and can do it all (probably with less effort and time than us unorganized folks).
I am very pleasantly pleased with our budget and savings/spending plan. It seems to be working!!
Grandbabies, Sponge Bob and Housework
April 26th, 2008 at 04:11 pm
April 26th, 2008 at 07:00 pm 1209232812
April 27th, 2008 at 12:44 am 1209253464
April 27th, 2008 at 04:46 am 1209267966
April 27th, 2008 at 07:23 am 1209277404