GS (age4) and I made waffles this morning. We have been doing this for years and he is getting so good at it. He knows all the ingredients, and gets them all out himself. He can measure everything, can count the scoops, levels off the flour, cracks the eggs...and only he knows the secret ingredients and how much to add of each.
Even when life is crazy, busy...I will still make time for waffle time. It means so much to him!! And he is so proud to feed everyone.
This was a beautiful fall weekend. Mother Nature is amazing...knowing when to blow the yellow, orange and gold leaves from the tress. At times, it looked as though it was raining leaves this weekend. Gorgeous, almost warm, breezes...The colors this time of year are fantastic...Nature sure sends some wonderful freebies...doesnt it??
I did some early holiday shopping with my DD2 and last night, we got together with the guys and played dominoes---such good, cheap fun! DD2 is very, very pregnant...due the end of Nov, but the doc says it could be I think she just wanted to hang close to mom this weekend.
DD1 and her family have been vacationing in SO Calif this week...and THEY TOOK NANA. Nana even braved a half day at Disneyland...and at 71, decided to go on SPlash Mountain!! Funny Nana...who knew?? But the rest of the week her back has hurt because of it...but they said her face on the drop was priceless. gads.
I am making dark molasses cookies this afternoon while the hub and DD3 are at the movie 'Max Payne'...not my type of movie, so I am enjoying some quiet time.
I have my mid-term due tomorrow night...I am still getting an A in my class, so hopefully, I will do well on the test. It is an essay on a lesson learned. I think mine will be about the Sparkly Dress...guess its time to reread that blog entry.
Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Fall to you all.
Great Fall Weekend
November 3rd, 2008 at 12:18 am
November 3rd, 2008 at 01:34 am 1225676088
November 3rd, 2008 at 02:07 am 1225678031
November 3rd, 2008 at 05:46 am 1225691161
Glad waffle time is still so special. Have a great week!
November 3rd, 2008 at 03:25 pm 1225725950