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this, that and the other....

January 26th, 2009 at 02:57 am

We rented our first 'Red Box' movie today. $1, IF we take it back tomorrow. So, we are going to watch Appaloosa tonight.
The red box is at Walmart, and got it while we were shopping. We spent $101 today...which included $30 worth of dog food and $11 for hairspray and $60 on food for the week.

Tonight we enjoyed bbq'd steaks, salad, green beans, potatoes and bread. It was just as good (if not more enjoyable) than eating out...and the meal cost us under $15 for 4 of us + we have leftovers for two-three lunches.

I am struggling with my class assignment this week.. I need to present an arguement about family....I have plenty of supporting evidence on why it is harder to raise a child now than before...but am struggling. The first draft is due tomorrow night for peer editing....I guess I know what my lunch hour will be spent on tomorrow.

DD3's very possessive boyfriend flew out tonight for the Marine Corps. I wish him a safe journey...but am SOOOO glad he is unavailable to my daughter (17) for the next several weeks. IT is so hard to watch your child in a situation like that. Hopefully this break will help her realize that there is a better way....

Hi ho hi ho...its off to work again tomorrow....

1 Responses to “this, that and the other....”

  1. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Silly Puppies!!!! It made me laugh to see your dog food included in your grocery run. Seems that the only time I go to the store is when I'm out of dog food. I feed me cheaper than I feed my two big Doggie Girls!!!

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