Home > 70% off - what a deal!

70% off - what a deal!

January 28th, 2009 at 05:17 am

We had a baby shower for a co-worker tonight and I was in charge of decorations and game gifts. I scored on the gifts as a local superstore had many of their pre-packed bath lotions, soaps and things on 70% off...things that normally would have cost $13 - 15 cost me $3 -4. The recipients LOVED the gifts.

The baby shower went well. It is always fun to see a first time mom opening those cute little baby things.

So...I got home late (almost 8pm) and Nana needed to I ran up and helped her...and now I am in bed (9:15pm) and have to be back at work at 6:30am....followed by a long day and school tomorrow night.

My dd2 called today and asked if I would sit down with her and her SO to work out a spending plan....I guess I will just go from DD1s to DD2s on friday nights for a financial counseling sessions...luckily, they live close to each other.

I may run back over to that superstore tomorrow and pick up some of those bath sets for gifts...what a deal!!

4 Responses to “70% off - what a deal!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    So nice that both daughters want your help. Such a good mom!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    It is so nice of you to help them both.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    I would stock up on the goodies. You have enough grand babies to spread them around!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    You're getting to be quite popular as the family financial guru. Big Grin

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