Had a blast at the Superbowl party. Thank you all for your suggestions. In the end, I opted to take a nice bottle of wine- Francis Coppola Black Label..I think. They seemed pleased with it. They are wine collectors...and have a big wine cooler (this size of my fridge)...so I know they have many, many more expensive than I took...but it seemed like a good choice from a newbie wine taster like me.
The game was alot of fun...and they had gone all out on the food and drinks. Talk about a spread! Meatballs, little smokies, crab enchilada's, 5 different cheeses, crackers, creme puffs, dips,. A dieters nightmare...but I was good and just sampled a little of each.
This was one of the couples that are going to Puerto Vallarta with us in May. They live on a golf course in this huge, fabulous home. IT was liking visiting the other side of the tracks today.
What a fun day!
My only spend today was the wine...so $15.79.
I only work three days this week...and then am off 4 for a long weekend next weekend. The hub and I rented a house with another couple at the resort we like to go to. Right now they are having a rent two-get one free special, so the house was about $75 per couple each night...and it is such a great house, with a hot tub- up in the mountains.
We take our food, and cook our meals...so eating is fairly cheap. We usually dont spend any money while we are there...so it really is a good, inexpensive get away. We watch movies, hike, knit, read, and visit. I am very much looking forward to it!!
My raise starts tomorrow...so I am now making $2 an hour more than I was last week!!! :-)
I got to see all 5 grandbabies this weekend...so I am a happy gramma. Life is good.
Super- superbowl day!
February 2nd, 2009 at 03:52 am
February 2nd, 2009 at 11:38 am 1233574703
February 2nd, 2009 at 01:55 pm 1233582907
February 2nd, 2009 at 02:24 pm 1233584665
February 2nd, 2009 at 04:53 pm 1233593606