Today was my home alone day that I have been looking forward to. The hub and DD3 went to a logging show a few hours away and were gone from 6am until 4pm.
I enjoyed a very lazy morning in bed and actually watched one of my chick flicks. I started early and it was done by I got around and ran some errands.
I took my movies that were due back to Blockbuster...and decided NOT to rent any others for now. Then, I headed to the library and turned in a book that was due...yay, no late fines.
Then I stopped by Ross and just took my time browsing. A while back, the hub decided that we should hang SHEETS over our living room window to keep the cold out/heat in. Worked ok but looked very redneck. I lucked out and found some great drapes for that window... spent $40 and it looks rather luxiurious, rather than I am pleased. I also bought a mirror and a couple of pictures to create a little vignettte. I spent a total of $130 and had this sitting in my home repair account. I think some of my funk is coming from some of these 'make it work' fixes we have come up with...and it feels good to finally make it right.
Then, DD2 called and asked if I would meet her at the mall. Got there and little GD (age 3 months) was all set to get her ears pierced. Ouch. But she was a trooper and sure looked adorable when they were all done.
The hub got home about 4pm and we decided to go on a date tonight. No kids, grandkids, in laws, friends...just us. We went to a restaurant that has the grill and the chop-chop cook in front of you show...we had a great meal and sure enjoyed ourselves.
Tomorrow, I will spend cleaning and rearranging with the new 'stuff' I got for the house today. I definately am going to be happier with the sheets gone from our window!!! (Sometimes, we get a little too frugal for our own comfort!!)
Enjoyed the day! Lots to do tomorrow...
My home alone day
February 22nd, 2009 at 05:06 am
February 22nd, 2009 at 02:04 pm 1235311468
February 22nd, 2009 at 04:08 pm 1235318889
February 22nd, 2009 at 04:39 pm 1235320777
February 22nd, 2009 at 05:04 pm 1235322262
February 22nd, 2009 at 05:08 pm 1235322539
February 22nd, 2009 at 10:52 pm 1235343177