Little miss sunshine at the register asked me this yesterday as I was checking out at the store register...ummm...Tuesday Club? I naively asked...and she said, yes, for our customers 55 and older....
Cmon guys....I dyed my hair recently, Ive lost a few pounds...Im a little tired....but do I look 55 when I am only 47??????????????????????????????
I smiled, and said that, no, I am quite a few years away from the club requirements....but I would take the discount if she wanted to give it to such luck.
Sigh...I guess there are worse things that she could have asked. Just none come to mind right now. lol
The hubs job is slowing down and I am concerned that he will be pushed to more part-time hours shortly. They slow down during tax-season every year, but I would be foolish to believe that is what this is. The hub works for a big-rig repair shop...and I know this slow down is from the economy. I have just considered us fortunate until now to have sidestepped the cuts many have experienced for some time now. Hopefully, this wont last too long....
Otherwise, life is good. (even if I am looking senior these days...gads.)
Are you enrolled in the Tuesday club?
February 26th, 2009 at 04:58 am
February 26th, 2009 at 02:21 pm 1235658093
It could be just that they ask anyone appearing older than 40 that questions. Kind of like being carded from buying wine coolers when one is obviously older than 21.
I am sure you look 43!
February 26th, 2009 at 03:26 pm 1235661967
That said, the biggest compliment I ever got was when a guy that did not know me, told my first husband that he had a good looking daughter. (me) I loved it. My first husband was 7 years older than me.
February 26th, 2009 at 04:37 pm 1235666266
1) anything about senior citizen discounts
2) when the due date is (might not be one)
3) why aren't they smiling (might be in middle of a personal tragedy)
Asking for id for liquor or cigarettes is always ok
February 26th, 2009 at 06:21 pm 1235672514
February 26th, 2009 at 06:45 pm 1235673920
Needless to say that didn't go over very well.
February 26th, 2009 at 07:49 pm 1235677759