Home > Bonus, Door prizes and Disneyland!!

Bonus, Door prizes and Disneyland!!

March 1st, 2009 at 05:48 pm

Last night was our annual employee awards banquet. It was a lot of fun. In spite of the economy, we made some of our critical goals...which means there was a rewards bonus for staff. (yeah!) It was even a little more than I had double yeah! THEN, I won a door a neat gardening kit with bulbs, tools, etc...value was over $ tons of cool stuff. Smile

My Puerta Vallarta trip is less than 3 months away now. I am sending the final payment on the villa this week. I got to thinking about something and have adjusted my travel plans a little and I am even MORE excited about this trip now...

I had taken the week after the vaca off, to just relax and because my birthday is that week. Well, on the flight home, we change planes in LA...and my dear friend lives near, I changed my flight to come home 5 days later and will just stay in LA with my friend that week. THe hub will come on home on the original flight.

My friend lives near Disneyland...and since my birthday is that week...I registered to go to Disneyland for FREE. Yeah!!!! I havent been in 7 years...and since it will be free...Smile I dont even mind going by myself!!

So, a week in Puerto Vallarta, followed by a week with my best buddy, AND a free trip to Disneyland!! Woo-hoo!

The hub offered to make breakfast I am enjoying some relaxation time...while breakfast is being made..

Does it get any better than this???

1 Responses to “Bonus, Door prizes and Disneyland!!”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Oooh! I'm jealous, Disney for free! Smile Sounds like a fantastic vacation.

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