Guess what??? They posted grades today and I got an A+!!!! I didnt know they gave "+" but hotdiggity, I got one!!!!!
Can you see this smile? This was the English Comp II course. I am so proud of that grade!!!!
ok...down to Earth now.
DD2 is condsidering buying a mini-van for her family. They need one, so I am supportive of the idea. They are also good budgeters, so they will be paying CASH for a used one. The starting price was $6700...and she got them down to $5700 and asked to borrow $2000 from me until May 1, when she will pay me back.
I said ok...
Being the little bargainer that she is, she went in and said that she would only pay $5000...and they said $5700 was break even for them...but low and behold, she stood firm and got the 2005 Caravan clean a whistle for $5000.
lol. Good for her. What this also means is that she will give me back my 2002 ford escort that I gave her a couple of years ago when she was a single mom and struggling. We can use this car for DD3 once she earns her priviledges back...and then she wont have a car payment, just insurance....and like Boomeyers suggested, we wont have to fully insure, just liability, which will save some $$ too....the upside for me is that I wont have to readjust my seats and radio every time I get into my car now. (yeah!)
So, everyone is happy.
I ranted some in my post yesterday, primarily referring to AIG without saying so...doggonit guys...I got even more pissed today when I read that (most of)the American bonus recipients are giving their bonuses back...WTF? Our tax dollars went to bonuses for non-Americans??? GRRRRR?????? how the hell is that even legal? not to mention ethical.
Oh well. ....Grant me the serenity to know the difference....
I GOT AN A+!!!!!!!! YEEHAW
ps....I am LOVING these new hours...I go in at 6:30 for a full hour and a half of uninterrupted work...and get off at enjoy a full 3 hours of daylight..I hope my boss will be open to my continuing this if it works out at work...
Got my grade!!!!
March 25th, 2009 at 12:33 am
March 25th, 2009 at 12:44 am 1237941864
March 25th, 2009 at 12:44 am 1237941868
March 25th, 2009 at 12:57 am 1237942646
Good going! Sounds like a good car situation for all around!
March 25th, 2009 at 01:10 am 1237943439
March 25th, 2009 at 05:09 am 1237957742
Sounds like DD2 should hire herself out as a negotiator! Awesome job getting a deal like that!!
March 25th, 2009 at 01:55 pm 1237989315