Home > More Greetings and some PICs from PV!!!

More Greetings and some PICs from PV!!!

May 30th, 2009 at 01:19 am

Here is the view from our room at the Westin. We spent the first three days cooling off in this pool after hot days of shopping!

This is a lovely statue on the Malecon, which is located downtown along the beach. This is one of many.

The Last Supper in sand. Amazing. The statues are each much larger than normal. WOW

This is our pool at the villa. The pool was so nice an refreshing during the day and evenings. Simply amazing.

Tomorrow is our last full day here. This week has flew by. Next week I will be in southern California with my long time BFF (since we were 12)...and doing Disney on my Bday...but tonight is all about Puerto Vallarta and this amazing villa!!!!

9 Responses to “More Greetings and some PICs from PV!!!”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Great pics! Glad you're having a good time Smile

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    Fabuluso, Analise and you are giving us great things to look at!

  3. NJDebbie Says:

    Fabuloso, Analise and you are giving us great things to look at!

  4. lizajane Says:


  5. baselle Says:

    Wow, so blue!

  6. broken arrow Says:

    Wow, those pictures are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Ima saver Says:


  8. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Beautiful pictures! I especially love the one of the Last Supper all in sand - what patience that must have taken!

  9. miclason Says:

    WOW...what else can I say? ...WOW!

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