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Home from Vacation

June 6th, 2009 at 03:33 am

I had a wonderful birthday Wednesday at Disneyland. We went one several rides, shopped, people watched, and just enjoyed a day of magic and wonder.

Yesterday, we kicked around town and did dome window shopping and enjoyed "Tea" in a little cafe called Paris in a Cup. It was adorable...decorated in pink, black, gold...the food was amazingly good and the tea was superb.

Today was travel home and visiting with the kids and giving souveniers. I think everyone was very pleased.

Tonight is the hub's last night on his job. He leaves for Alaska on Tuesday. He will be in Prudhoe Bay. I looked it up, they have a population of ONE family there. wow.

He is nervous and excited. This weekend we will pack his things and get everything ready for his month-long initial departure.

DD3s surgery is in two weeks...she is so excited and I am excited for her.

Much going on here. And it is good to be home after two weeks to take care of everything!!

5 Responses to “Home from Vacation”

  1. shiela Says:

    Belated Happy birthday to you. Sounds like you had a great birthday.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome Home!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Welcome home and belated Happy Birthday!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Woo hoo! Sounds like you had a great time on your birthday!
    I'm glad you got to relax on your vacation, because your life seems to be moving so fast!
    So glad DD3's surgery is coming up! And I bet the month that your hubby is gone will go quickly!

  5. gamecock43 Says:

    1 family??? They must be excited to see DH coming into town!

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