Week One..
The hub flew to Alaska and I went to work. Met with our lending officer and get pre-approved for a second home. (wow, it was very easy!!) Stopped by DD1s to discuss whether or not they REALLY want to move into this house. End result, no. They want a place to call their own, but this big house and acreage are really more than they want to tackle at this stage in their life. On the drive home, I let DD2 know that she has the green light to move into the house if thats something they really want. (whew) Got home and our black lab was injured pretty badly. DD2 and her SO come out and take him to the emergency vet...$195 and then home until they can get him into the lower priced vet in the morning. Nana calls, she is in pain-- advised her to take a pain pill and get some sleep.
Nana needs surgery. SOON. Get her scheduled for Thursday. DD2 gets dog to vet and they want to keep him for a few days...$111. DD2 and her SO waste NO TIME in coming by to start cleaning out the house. I looked at two homes today...but not sure about either really.
Follow nana to town as she is on pain meds until surgery. Meet realtor at a home at lunch and FALL IN LOVE with it. (Needs new flooring and counter tops, but it is priced very low and is a great floor plan with beautiful front and back yards...I am willing to pay for the needed upgrades) Ask realtor to write up an offer. (Egads, did I really do that??)
Nana has surgery and I get a call from the realtor...so far the offer is being met favorably by the sellers. Once we get the final paperwork signed and back from the hub, the offer can be 'officially' submitted. The hub calls to say that his pay will be substantially more than we originally thought because of overtime. Plus, he will get paid weekly! (this is what was happening at his old job, so it will be easy enough to redo the budget.)
Realtor gets final offer paperwork back from the hub and gets it to the sellers. tick, tock, tick, tock...they will be letting me know for sure tomorrow...WOW.
Stay tuned!
I have been running like crazy all week. Dogs, nana, work, etc. Tomorrow, I am sitting with two of the grandbabies...GD (3) and GS (10 mo)..who by the way crawled for the first time today!! How cute is that???
Sunday, is MY day. Can't wait...I plan to savor every moment of it!
The more I think about moving into town, the more excited I get.
DD3s surgery is next Wednesday. We are getting pretty excited about it!!!
New Life....week one
June 13th, 2009 at 06:12 am
June 13th, 2009 at 11:32 am 1244889145
Hope your Nana recovers quickly.... and you get the house !
June 13th, 2009 at 02:03 pm 1244898211
June 13th, 2009 at 03:13 pm 1244902425
Best wishes with everything going on!
June 13th, 2009 at 05:55 pm 1244912117