Home > Surgery is over; DD3 is resting at home now

Surgery is over; DD3 is resting at home now

June 17th, 2009 at 11:58 pm

The surgery went well. DD3 will be bandaged for a couple of weeks so she wont fully see the results until then. She is sleeping, and probably will on and off until the anethesia wears off (tomorrow, most likely). She was a great little patient. I am very proud of her!

So, since I took the day off and she is resting peacefully, I am using the time to tidy up and peruse the net. I did make her some jello just incase she wakes up and wants something lite to eat. DD3 invited a friend over to stay until Saturday--she will be taking care of DD3 while I work tomorrow and Friday.

The home inspection for the new house is Friday afternoon. It is costing $300 but for the peace of mind, I think it is well worth it. I want to know that there arent any major issues. I will be taking my camera and snapping lots of pictures. I will try to post some this weekend.

If all goes well with the inspection, we will order an appraisal, which will help determine if I got a good deal. (I think I did!)

Well, time to get back to broom and mop.

5 Responses to “Surgery is over; DD3 is resting at home now”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    That is great that the surgery is over - hope she recovers quickly!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    So glad she seems to be recovering nicely. Keep us posted.

    Gee Ray, I leave you alone for a week and you change up your whole life! Good for you! :-) I am excited for all the changes going on in your life! Get those pics up!

    As for Nana, well stay calm. I am sorry she is being so hateful. You have always taken such good care of her, I can't believe she would turn on you. I'm sure she will regret it when she calms down.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Glad the surgery is over. I have never had surgery, so I would have been scared to death! Hope she heals quickly. Can't wait to see pics of the new house.

  4. lizajane Says:

    Glad the surgery went well, and happy to hear other things are humming right along...well, except for Nana. That's one heck of a guilt trip she's trying to lay on you. She's probably worried about adjusting to the change and doesn't really know how to handle those feelings.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Glad to hear about your dd3's surgery going well. Hope things with your Nana change for the better.

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