Home > End of Escrow= 5 weeks

End of Escrow= 5 weeks

June 22nd, 2009 at 04:40 am

We are 5 weeks away from owning house #2. The home inspection went well. There are a few issues, none of which were deal-breakers on either now, we order the appraisal.

DS and I talked about the business arrangement for the new house today. He will rent one of the rooms, be in charge of the major repairs, and upkeep the yards for his half of the partnership...we will pay the lions share of the mortgage and pay for upkeep. I think we are both happy with the arrangement. Luckily, DS is either skilled at the repair or is friends with someone who we should be able to accomplish all updates for a very affordable price.

The hub is due home in two weeks. He should find out tomorrow what times I can schedule flights for. I am looking forwared to having him home for a couple of weeks. I think this new schedule will work ok for us. His first paycheck came last friday and it looks like he will be paid very well while he works at this our budget should pencil out well.

DD3 is doing GREAT after surgery. She is almost back to normal. She can start showering again tomorrow, which will make her very happy. She got out of the house for several hours today- which did much to lift her spirits...Best of all, she seemes to be DONE with creepy BF.

Tomorrow is back to work...Does anyone else find it amazing that weekends fly by so quickly???

2 Responses to “End of Escrow= 5 weeks”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Sound like things are going well!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yay for DD3!

    Yes, the weekends do sure to just seem to fly!

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