Home > The best freebies...FLOWERS

The best freebies...FLOWERS

March 23rd, 2010 at 01:44 am

My goodness.

I bought my house last summer and have enjoyed watching something new bloom in the yard almost weekly since. But let me tell you...Spring is like a daily surprise party here.

The previous owners obviously paid close attention to what they were doing...because my yard is so beautiful right now. There are so many different things blooming..and it is a rainbow of colors everywhere I look. I had no idea...and the really cool thing, there are new plants popping up all over the place...I cant wait to see what's next! Best of all...the surprises are free!!!

I visited an auction site today for a local radio station and there was a gift certificate for window cleaning. $100 would take care of inside and out for a mid size home (which is what I have)...and the asking price was only $50!!!!! So I nabbed I just have to make an appointment and my windows will be professionally cleaned! (yay!)

My job gave each employee a $50 gift card to wherever we wanted at Christmas...I chose a local day spa...I used mine today to book a side by side massage for the hub and I for this Saturday. (we will have to pay $ hour massage followed by a stay in the sauna...ummmm wow!!) Since we are going to try saving this relationship...I thought this would be a nice kick-off treat. On Sunday, I hope we can drive up to a place with natural waterfalls and have a picnic lunch. Cost for the day...gas to get there...

So...slowly life is working out...just continuing to take it day to day.

But ultimately, Life is very, very good.

5 Responses to “The best freebies...FLOWERS”

  1. thriftorama Says:

    that sounds nice. I really respect you for trying to restoke the romantic fires.

  2. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    I respect you for hiring someone to do the windows. Good call, it makes a huge difference!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Great deal on the windows. I have a big house and the cost to clean my windows was $900 inside and out!

  4. dmontngrey Says:

    Aren't surprise flowers so much fun? We bought our condo in the winter, so spring/summer was a surprise. I found out I had a lot of gladiolas!! Smile Last year I planted a TON of bulbs, mostly tulips mixed with daffodils and some other flowers. They're kind of a surprise for me now, but will really surprise the next owners. I will tell future owners it's a fully planted bulb garden.

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Hi Ray! Had'nt heard from you in a while! Hope things are going well! :-)

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