I have to admit, since my mom passed away and things went sideways with the hub and I...I have been very lax with the budget- especially when grocery shopping. I stop at the store numerous times a week to buy something for dinner...and we all know what that means...impulse shopping....and lunch is usually some form or fast food or frozen meal from the store. Confessions are embarrasing...gads.
At this point, I wont torture myself by adding up how much Ive spent/wasted the past several months..I will just assume I can do MUCH BETTER with a game plan..I will re-visit many of the things Ive learned here about making a solid plan and sticking to it.
The hub and I talked about trying once a week cooking. I will try to use Sunday afternoons to prepare everything. I dont have good freezer storage containers, so I will look for some this week. I am going through my recipes and doing some online research for ideas. Im also looking at sales and coupons...Of course, this is easier to do while I am on vacation- all the more reason for a good plan going forward.
I truly feel this is one area of my budget I can correct and control much better. I am anxious to see how this pencils out over the next few weeks and months!
Today is DD2 and GD's birthday. The girls want to go shopping...I plan to look for freezer containers.
Life is so good!
Planning for Once a Week Cooking
September 8th, 2010 at 05:22 pm
September 9th, 2010 at 12:38 am 1283989129