Home > Downsized


November 7th, 2010 at 12:00 am

Tonight is the premiere of a reality documentary 'Downsized' aboiut a family that is struggling in this economy and how they are dealing with it. I am eager to watch and see what the moral of the story is.

This morning I went to the mall. Was not expecting full blown Christmas decorations and holiday music. I walked into Macy's home store and they had their Christmas display up. My mom and I loved perusing that display each year...Within minutes of admiring the ornaments and listening to the music, I found myself tear-ing up and actually had to leave the mall. Been teary off an on all day. Me thinks this season will be bitter sweet. I have so much to be thankful for with my kids and grandbabies...but I am missing my mom A LOT.

Last night a couple friends came over for a 'girlfriend' night. I made teriyaki steak and jasmine rice, grilled onions and pineapple. YUM we sipped wine and had a great time. I had plenty of leftovers for a couple more meals. The dinner cost under $10...and it rivaled the restaraunt meals we usually have...and the wine was MUCH less too!

Yesterday was payday and I am so happy to FINALLY have the right budget formula. No more surprises or guesswork...and ample allocations are being made for wants and needs. Smile Although, I did get a pamphlet from local Gospel Mission asking for donations. If I donate now, a local furniture store will match the donation. So, I made a $25 donation ($50 with the match!!) That will come out of my allowance for the month. But thats ok, especially since I dont seem to be able to go shopping anyways Smile (Oh Nana...)

In spite of the tears, life is good.

10 Responses to “Downsized”

  1. Dandi Lion Says:

    I just dvr'd Downsized to watch later tonight or tomorrow. Suze Orman is on at the same time and I always watch her on Saturday night. Can't believe Christmas " stuff" is out holiday at a time please!!!!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I wonder if it will be on again? I didn't realize it was on tonight.


  3. creditcardfree Says:

    ((Hugs)) Isn't is sweet to have such happy memories? What a blessing!

  4. HouseHopeful Says:

    I dvr'd the show too. Will be watching today!

  5. NJDebbie Says:

    I know how you feel about missing your Mom. I miss my Dad terribly also. He passed away on June 4th from cardiac arrest. Especially every 4th of the month, I feel so sad, but I try to hold on to the memories I have of him. ((HUGS))

    Can you share your recipe for the teriyaki steak?

  6. LittleGopher Says:

    It is very hard to lose a parent, esp a mom. So many good memories to hold dear...take care!

  7. Ima saver Says:

    It is so hard to lose a loved one, but things will get easier. Hang in there. (Your dinner sounds delicious)

  8. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you everyone. Yesterday was tough, but is a new and better day!

    NJDebbie...the teriyaki steak is SUPER easy...I purchased steak sliced for carne asada...and marinated it overnight in some soy vay teriyaki marinade. Grilled it on the stove and tossed a cut sweet onion on the grill too. Served it over jazmine rice with pineapple and sweet chili sauce. took about 15 minutes to cook the rice, and I cooked all the meat while the rice was simmering. It was a big hit with the friends. Smile

  9. scottish girl Says:

    We've got Christmas decorations up in our stores too. One card shop actually started selling Christmas cards in July!

  10. My English Castle Says:

    Big hugs for you--and glad you had your girlfriends for support.
    It was "All Saints" Sunday today at our church, and I'm such a sloppy weeper. They showed photos of all the members we'd lost over the past year, and I cried like a baby. It does get better--

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