Home > SCORE at the Auction

SCORE at the Auction

November 17th, 2010 at 04:03 am

Woo HOO! I coordinated an online auction for my job and the auction ended today. I scored big time. I got two nice oak desks, a hutch, and a full hutch/credenza unit and a bookcase for $200!!! The value is around $3000 for everything, as it is excellent quality! This will make a nice home office for me, and another for my son and his business. We will pick it all up one night this week. I am so excited to have a full home office!!

My son and dil and their two babies (1 and 3)are staying with me until the remodel on their house is far enough along that they can move in. It is so sweet to have little ones playing and laughing in the evenings.

My daughters and I had a fabulous time this past weekend on our 'girls' trip. We shopped, ate, took an underground tour of the city, and enjoyed each other! What a GREAT time.

Ive been thoroughly enjoying the Kindle. I think this was a very good purchase for me. Im currently reading one of the free books and enjoying it so much. Tidbit of info for can download a free kindle app for your computer and take advantage of the free books without buying a kindle....just FYI.

Life is very good!!!

3 Responses to “SCORE at the Auction”

  1. Shiela Says:

    I've been really loving my Kindle too. I downloaded the Kindle for PC into my netbook over a year ago now but this one is so much better when you are out and about. You can actually see it like a normal paper book and the battery last for a long time.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Great deals on the furniture!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    What a score on the furniture!

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