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Pancakes for Breakfast tomorrow!

January 8th, 2011 at 04:33 am

The raise matrix did not get published at work today so I still dont know what my increase will be. :/ It will most likely be 5-6%, which is about double what I thought... I did learn that our reward bonus will be more than I anticipated- potentially 6% of my salary last year. After taxes and 401K contribution, that will still be a very nice check! (um, yay!)-

My co-workers gave me a $75 gift card to our local grange last year in leiu of flowers when my mom died. I wasnt sure what to do with it, so I still have it. I think I am going to get some above ground planters for a small garden. Last year I planted zucchini and they did I am eager to do a little more this year.

On the way home tonight I stopped at the store and bought some boysenberry syrup and bacon. I havent had pancakes in a long time and thought that sounded yummy for breakfast. The store had several 10 for $10 sales going on so I stocked up on pasta and other pantry supplies.

Looking forward to a quiet weekend. Smile Life is good!

4 Responses to “Pancakes for Breakfast tomorrow!”

  1. SavingsQueen Says:

    YUM!!! Pancakes are a lovely breakfast and a great way to celebrate Sunday morning!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Breakfast sounds good...what time are you serving? :-)

  3. CB in the City Says:

    MMMmmmm, pancakes!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    We have pancake for dinner about once a week!

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