Home > Weekend spending

Weekend spending

January 10th, 2011 at 04:26 am

My weekend consisted of a trip to the mall where I took advantage of a 75% off sale at Bath and Body works. Three things that normally would have cost about $35 for $8. Yumminess in a scent, hand soap, lotion...An $8 treat for sure.

Other than that, I bought a couple of steaks, a BOGO chicken breasts, and stocked up on some other items for about $45. Last night we had an amazing rib-eye steak dinner with all the fixins and tonight some yummy chicken fetuccini alfredo. ANd I have plenty of options for the week ahead. So all in all, not a bad weekend for expenses.

The week ahead will be a challenging one. Lots of things going on at work. SOme good, some not so good. I know by Friday, I will be ready for the three day weekend next weekend!

1 Responses to “Weekend spending”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds like you got some really good deals. I love B&BW but it is usually just too expensive for me to justify it.

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