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Post #2 for today.

January 12th, 2011 at 06:13 am

Today was exciting for another reason....1-11-11 is the birthday of such a special little girl.

You see, her mom and dad have had two...TWO....late term miscarriages prior to today. The first, a daughter, was 24 weeks and lived only minutes... and the second, a son, was born at 22 weeks and only took a couple of breaths. Both births were devestating to this young couple who simply wanted to be blessed with a baby to love....and the second nearly stopped them from trying again.

14 weeks ago, the mom again went into pre-term labor, but the doctors stopped it and put mom on strict bed rest in the hospital.

Today was their daughters birthday. All 7 lb 10 oz of her...healthy as they come.

I have never seen two more excited parents.

Kinda makes my focus on my finances seem....well, insignificant.

Happy Birthday little Ms. KH. Your parents have waited a long time for you. Welcome to the world.

4 Responses to “Post #2 for today.”

  1. laura Says:

    Love stories like this!

  2. Homebody Says:

    Yes that is very exciting. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    That is wonderful!

  4. Looking Forward Says:

    Yippee!!!! Big Grin

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