Stuck to the lunch challenge again today! A redo of yesterday (teriyaki chicken, rice, pineapple and chili sauce)several co-workers kept saying 'boy that looks (smells)great'. And it was way yummy and way less than any meal I could buy.
Lets see- this cost about $1.75- including a soda from home. - and to sweeten the deal, breakfast was about a buck for a bagel (.50) , cr cheese (.25) and hazelnut coffee (.30).
loving that kinda meal plan. Dinner- was free. THe hub bought the groceries today.
My only expense today was gas at $55. (ouch)...but that will last at least two weeks.
I am so so so busy at work. We are remodeling a building we bought, selling/donating a whole bunch of the old furniture from the old location and having new stuff built, organizing a move of about 50 employees. There is so much going on with this project. ...and trying to stay on top of some volunteer work and my 'normal' day to day stuff... Goind to school (and holding on to that 4.0!!!!!) and being an active gramma to six grandbabies...
I cherish...CHERISH down time. Funny to think back to the 'good ol days" when I started this blog and had 'retired' from corporate America. But I do enjoy being busy and in the mix of so many various projects.
But right now...I have to get back to the decision at hand....which is WHAT TO PACK FOR LUNCH for tomorrow. lol.
juggle, juggle, juggle...fasterfasterfaster....
Life is tiring...but very good.
Stickin to the plan
February 2nd, 2011 at 02:31 am
February 2nd, 2011 at 02:46 am 1296614795
February 2nd, 2011 at 09:31 pm 1296682269