The no spend streak came to a screeching halt today...of my own doing. I had a very early start at 6:45am to conduct a security visit to one of our branches. I rarely pop for a designer coffee anymore...but being up and on the road that early enticed me...I bought for me and our security officer...$6... took the hub to lunch today- hey if Im having a spend day, go big or go home right? (sorry Househopeful)...$25...then picked up cat food and a few study supplies for class (index cards, highlighters, etc) $24.
I am still enjoying a wheeze-free inhaler is my new twice a day bff...I had to laugh at the irony when my daughter (who is a pharmacy tech) asked what the miracle drug was and then told me its the most expensive inhaler out there....sounds like my 'free' three month supply of samples is saving my insurance company at least $400. *gulp*....oh well, I will worry about that another day.
TONIGHT...I am anxiously preparing for my weekend getaway that starts in about 36 hours...yes indeedee...this is an ear to ear (wheeze free)smile...
$ Spender today $
February 10th, 2011 at 03:59 am
February 10th, 2011 at 01:54 pm 1297346085
February 10th, 2011 at 04:35 pm 1297355739