Have money- will lend.
I need a support group. This time, our houseguest (who has been couch-surfing and is now living with us) needed money to get car insurance on her newly acquired car so she could get a job and start saving to get self sufficient and out on her own. So I loaned her $225 with the understanding that she apply for at least two jobs per day and that she 'work off' the loan by making sure the house is clean every Friday by the time I get off work. I had just spent the weekend cleaning and so I showed her what I expected....
Now to see if she sticks to her end of the deal.
I sent every extra dollar I have to ING...and so I dont have any handy money left to loan. I am not sure why I am so quick to lend. Lord knows its like a coin toss if I will get it back. I really want this young lady to succeed...and I feel better knowing she has insurance while she drives. Hopefully the motivation will help her get things figured out. AND...if I can come home to a nice clean home every friday for the next 10 weeks, it will be money well spent for the weekend free time I gain.
My new foot massager came today. All I can say is ahhhhhh...as wonderful as I remember- so now I have a solution every evening for tired achy feet!!
They must have had cordon bleu on the Food Network channel today. The hub texted me at work that dinner was in the fridge and sure enough, when I got home there was cordon bleu, green beans and ceasar salad waiting. He has never made that before..but Mr. bobby-flay-wanna-be pulled it off quite nicely. For a few years his interest in cooking has steadily grown...and now he is branching into new recipes. The other day he asked me to buy pomegranite molasses...(?) still havent found it. He cracks me up. About as redneck as they get until you put him in the kitchen...and then he is chef Ricky...lol. funny boy.
February 23rd, 2011 at 04:20 am
February 23rd, 2011 at 03:23 pm 1298474591
February 23rd, 2011 at 05:06 pm 1298480810
February 23rd, 2011 at 06:50 pm 1298487048
February 23rd, 2011 at 07:21 pm 1298488901