Finished up at the planning session for work today. My bet was that once people were able to use remote capture for their checks, the number of transaction conducted in a brick and mortar (bank) would decrease significantly...hmmm. This was countered by the fact that the intro of the internet and internet banking in the 90s would eliminate the need for tellers...and clearly, that didnt happen. But I thin remote capture will be a game changer. I mean, if you could use your phone to take apicture of all the checks you receive...and then send the picture as a deposit from wherever you are...would you then need to go to the bank for much of anything???? Thoughts?
I am looking forward to the next two weekends. No homework, tests or studying...just time to relax and have fun...
No baby yet....she is a week overdue tomorrow. I feel like Im waiting for the water to
Thankfully got a response on the family photos that copies are ok. My faith in family is somewhat restored.
Looking forward to the weekend. ALOT.
Remote capture...and my stab at predicting
March 18th, 2011 at 04:57 am
March 18th, 2011 at 12:46 pm 1300452399
We only have an online bank. Paychecks are direct deposited. Other checks we receive are scanned in on our printer for deposit. We stop at ATM's for cash. I have had to request cashier's checks from our bank, but that is done through the mail. It's when we receive large sums of cash, such as a garage sale, that I wish I could deposit it. However, we just use the cash instead of our debit card. Don't many businesses still use banks?
March 18th, 2011 at 03:36 pm 1300462614
That said, my employer does not do direct deposit, and we opened an account with a CU down the street from our home. I mailed all my paychecks in for DECADES before that, but the mail had gotten so inconsistent and slow that I have taken to dropping off my paychecks at this CU. Since we now have remote deposit, I go to there less often.
I share because, overall, I think people either prefer transacting at the bank, or don't. Not much in between. I would presume more young people with direct deposit and online accounts don't go to their banks much in the first place. But remote deposit will replace a faulty mail system. I don't see the older types jumping on the technology. Will be interesting to see, I guess.
March 21st, 2011 at 02:24 am 1300674279
-- At Chase I could deposit cash in the ATM's, as well as checks - but so far I haven't found that that is possible with Compass Bank. If I could do that, then that would eliminate needing to go into the bank.