Imagine Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers...all shimmery and bright...well....those are my toes after my pedicure this afternoon. I had a gift certificate from last Mothers Day from my kiddos that I needed to I took advantage of my quiet day and went and enjoyed. I gave a $4 a pretty cheap treat...and my toes are now so sparkly!!
I literally dumped out all of the dresser drawers and reorganized them. I put everything I could in either a throw away or give away box to leave plenty of room (we have waaaayyyyy too much 'stuff'. I still have work to do tonight...but man, is the room looking nice.
I have made the bedroom a "no pet zone"...tired of hair, fur, muddy pawprints, my sanctuary. My cats arent too happy, but they will adjust. I also bought new sheets today...since the cats played and tore holes in my other sheets...which were 3 years old anyways....time for new. SHeets have been washed and are now in the dryer...I am washing all bedding to make a truly fresh start.
Loving the free weekend. Now having a glass of wine and waiting for the super big moon to show up...although, we have a fairly total cloud cover I am not sure I will get to see it. :/ If anyone out there does, could you please take and post pictures!!! Im sure there will be some on the internet tomorrow.
Sparkly Toes!
March 20th, 2011 at 01:28 am
March 20th, 2011 at 12:47 pm 1300625278
Manicures are $5, pedicures are $7. So, I am back to a manicure every month and my old pedicure schedule (6-8 weeks in sandal season, 3 months rest of the year).