Home > Blessings


August 3rd, 2011 at 05:42 am

I got my haircut today. The last time I had it cut was in December, so it was long over due. My friend that lost her son owns a salon and just returned to work. So, I got to check on her, get my haircut and support her business all in one. Smile I am very pleased with the cut- and am glad I got to spend time with my heartbroken friend.

My son, who is in California looking for a job, talked to a couple more places today- with good results. He now has several offers on the table- but he is leaning towards the first. I am so proud of him and happy that this has been a successful trip for him.

My daughter that took in the two foster babies stopped by tonight. The little girl, age 2, is so much more talkative and outgoing in just the month that she has been with my daughter. She is a petite, adorable little 2 year old...and she gets so excited when she comes over. The little boy, 6 months, is thriving. His little head is rounding (it was flat on the back from being left in a car seat most of the time) He also had no leg strength from never being held up to exercise his legs..poor baby. Seriously, this baby has been here numerous times for hours...and he NEVER cries...he is always so happy. I think he is just happy someone plays and talks to him. So precious.

I have a 'home alone' weekend coming up. The hub is taking dd3 on a road trip to his I am contemplating a movie, some housework and organizing, and ...well, who knows. Life is good.

2 Responses to “Blessings”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Glad things are working out for your son. It can be scary starting over.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    That is wonderful news about your son!

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