Today was a no spend day. My first in a while- I had a free donut at work that was leftover from a meeting, and then had a lunch meeting, so the job picked up the tab. The hub made dinner before he went to work, so I will have a burger in a bit.
Tomorrow my morning starts at 4am...will get to work at 5- so I will be off by 2pm. Tomorrow night is the party Ive planned for the kids and grandbabies to watch the meteor shower..I rented a jump house for the kids. Then we are making s'mores over the bbq and sleeping under the stars. Should be fun.
Saturday, I plan to pull some of the veggies from the garden and enjoy them with something bbq'd. Last year I only grew having so much more variety is so nice! I cant wait to do a bigger garden next year! Im not sure that my garden saves me money...yet. But I do know the veggies are just so much better tasting fresh off the plant.
My friend sent in her application for Extreme Home fingers are crossed for her!
No spender!
August 12th, 2011 at 02:23 am
August 13th, 2011 at 04:33 am 1313206404