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Pondering a Delimma

August 19th, 2011 at 04:19 am

Went back to work today. Definately not back to normal, but I was well enough to work at my desk and try to catch back up.

I have a delimma that I need to make a decision on. Today, my boss and our evp called me in. They asked if I wanted to attend a management school that we send someone to each year. I have asked to go in the past, but because of my parents, or a plethora of other reasons, stepped aside for others to go.

The school is two weeks each year for three years and is pretty intense and mandates a 'project' during the year that takes weeks to months of time to complete. It is an awesome opportunity.

My delimma is that I have this plan to retire in 10 years. There are younger contenders who would get a longer bang for the buck from attending. When the offer was made, statements like "we know youre busy with school and won't hold it against you AT ALL if you dont want to go" and "we have plenty of other folks waiting to go". I know the offer was made in part out of obligation for how long Ive worked there. I am honored that they still consider me as a contender- but deep down I know the investment is better made in those who are starting their careers.

What to do...what to do. At one point, I really wanted to climb one more rung on the corporate ladder...but Im not so sure anymore. I love my position and I make good money. I guess I will sleep on it and let them know in the morning.

7 Responses to “Pondering a Delimma”

  1. baselle Says:

    I think you should go and I think its wonderful that your workplace remembered you and didn't pass you by. The "younger contenders who would get a longer bang for the buck" are also MUCH more likely to hop away from the credit union after (or even in the middle of) being trained. In a sense, if you took the training the CU would keep the knowledge in-house; if a "younger person" took it would be more likely that your CU would be training its competition.

    (I'm assuming you are still working at the credit union. Forgive me if I missed a job change.)

  2. patientsaver Says:

    I would say just do what's best for YOU, and what YOU want to do; don't let anything else, like younger contenders, factor into the equation. You need to look out for yourself first.

  3. Nika Says:

    If you plan to work for 7 more years in that new position, than it is more than enough to justify it.

    People are not expected to stay in the same position for 10+ years, so you would have moved on even if you were not retiring.

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    I haven't said anything, because I think this is just one of those things you have to figure out for yourself.

    But, I agree with some of the others. Make it a selfish decision - don't worry about the younger people who will have plenty of future opportunities.

  5. whitestripe Says:

    I'd do it. 10 years is still a long time and you could use those skills for yourself. Truth is, sure, younger people might get more out of it, but they also have longer time in the workplace to achieve their goals too!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm with the others. If you think this is something that you would enjoy, go for it!

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks everyone! I decided to wait until Monday to make a decision. I truly appreciate the perspectives here. (Yes, Baselle, I am still at the CU- good memory!!)

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