Home > A couple of no spenders-

A couple of no spenders-

October 4th, 2011 at 04:01 am

I spent yesterday working on homework, preparing my oatmeal for the next few days and making/ planning meals for the week. It paid off, because today was my second NSD in a row- well, at least for food. I did spend $520 today on the hubs RT airline ticket for his 3 week rotation home. Usually the RT ticket is closer to $600- so this was a deal!

Tomorrow should be another no spender, and then Wednesday I am taking my friend, who just lost her 21 yo son, to dinner.

I got 100% on my two first week assignments for school. I have two tests coming up, so lots of study time ahead.

Last night I tried a new recipe and it turned out really good. Chicken and dumpling casserole :

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Just a really good dish of comfort food! When I make it again I will probably add carrots- but the dish turned out very similar to the picture on the recipe.

Well, time to stude before bed.

2 Responses to “A couple of no spenders- ”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on kicking those assignments out of the park and the no spend days, too!

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good job on the assignments! Smile

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