Home > Christmas Gift in Action

Christmas Gift in Action

January 8th, 2012 at 11:50 pm

For Christmas, I gave my son and his family an annual membership to the Sacramento Zoo and adjoining Fairytale Town. They are new to the area and their money is so tight, so I thought this would give them something free to do all year. Normally, a day pass to these two parks would cost them over $40 - but they will get in for free anytime they want to go.

They made their first trip today and I thought I would share a couple of the pics...

This is my grandaughter enjoying one of the feathered friends...

And this is my grandson petting a snake...oh my.

It sounds like they had a great first visit. The membership allows them to take two extra people anytime they go- so an added bonus is now family wants to visit because they can go to the zoo!!

I have been cooking this afternoon getting meals ready for the week ahead. Plus, this is my week to take dinner to the local homeless-teen shelter- so I have made soup, lemon chicken and have the chicken all cooked for the shelter meal. (This is a smaller shelter and I have to cook for only about 12 people)

The hub comes home on Thursday...pretty excited to see him- this was a four week stint and he will be home for two and then back in Alaska for another four.

12 Responses to “Christmas Gift in Action”

  1. CCraw Says:

    That's a great gift and those are some sweet looking kiddos!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you CCraw- Im a pretty proud gramma! Big Grin

  3. Maismom Says:

    What a wonderful gift! I'm sure they will enjoy it throughout the year. Sacramento Zoo is a great place for family. My company had a company picnic there and kids sure enjoyed the visit.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Nice gift, especially for that age of children. Enjoy your time with hubby, too.

  5. Amber Says:

    Awe what a great gift, looks as though the kids had a blast. Thanks for sharing

  6. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Aww, that's a great gift! I really like that idea, especially since they have little ones and the little ones so often get such a kick out of the zoo. I think you did a great job on their gift and it's nice to see pictures of them enjoying it.

    I hope you have a great time with your husband! And kudos to you for helping with the shelter. I love that idea.

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you all...My DIL said the kids are still talking about the animals tonight. I think they really loved it and I am looking forward to visiting them and joining them on a trip myself...although I am not so sure I will pet the snake. LOL

  8. Momma23 Says:

    If you don't mind me asking, what type of work does the hubby do in Alaska?

  9. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Momma23- he works on the equipment that builds the ice roads on the North Slope.

  10. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Enjoy your DH Smile
    The zoo looks really neat. Smile

  11. Ima saver Says:

    The kids are soooo cute!

  12. Momma23 Says:

    I was asking because I recently got back in touch with an old friend who lives in Alaska and she was telling about slope work and the schedules the workers work. Sounds like a great job.

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