Home > Fun Girls Day

Fun Girls Day

February 13th, 2012 at 02:23 am

I have a good friend who owns a salon that is struggling. This is my friend who lost her son (21) to cancer 8 months ago. She has had a tough year. I have another friend who is soon getting her massage license- and trying to buy a home.

I wanted to figure a way to help them both, and also wanted to do something for my girls. So this morning- we went to the salon with mimosa makings and each of my daughters was treated to a haircut/ stle; gel nails and a chair massage.

It was a way to help my friends with some business, while giving the girls a treat. Not the most frugal day Ive ever had, but definately a feel good for everyone involved. The girls left feeling pampered and my friends made some extra money... And I felt it was a great "investment" for all. It cost me about $60 (plus tip) per daughter for a wonderful time.

Otherwise, I had a fairly frugal weekend. Yesterday I read a loaner book on my kindle - The Hunger Games. It was dark, but well written. I got a nap in, did some housework, enjoyed an amazing rain storm - where it literally poured for about a half hour.

Next weekend is our trip down to my sons new home. We havent been yet, so the girls, the grandbabies and I are going to go visit. Should be a fun time!

In the meantime, it is back to work tomorrow!

3 Responses to “Fun Girls Day”

  1. baselle Says:

    I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Only the frugal can afford to be generous. Bully for you!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks was such a fun day...and I have pretty red gel nails tonight as a reminder. Smile

  3. PNW Mom Says:

    What fun! And a great day for all including your friends...what a nice thing to do.

    Hunger Games....great trilogy...can't wait for the movie.

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