We arrived at the vacation home yesterday afternoon. It was great to get here. Last night we just ordered in pizza ($30)and soaked in the hot tub. The hub had been awake for almost 36 hours from traveling back from Alaska and then not being able to sleep- and i was worn out from this darn cold..so we went to bed early. Got up this morning to about 4 inches of snow- GORGEOUS!
The hut tub..just off our bedroom...
For the rest of the weekend, we will be cooking in. Each couple takes one day of meals/cleanup. Most likely the rest of the weekend will be a no-spender.
The hub LOVES to cook, so he will do the lions share on our day and I will take the cleanup. He planned a tasty egg scramble for breakfast and a taco bar for dinnner. The other couple is making a bbq tri-tip for dinner (uh-yum).
We brought dominoes, Monopoly and yahtzee for fun. But mainly we are enjoying the awesome view this morning!!
This is the weekend I get my reward bonus at work. It should post to my account tonight or tomorrow. Once it does, it will go straight to my ING account. I managed to save all my bonus $ from last year and hope to continue the trend. It is a nice emergency-emergency fund to have.
Well, off to enjoy the company and scenery...and coffee. Life is good!
Day one of the weekend get-away...and we have SNOW
February 25th, 2012 at 04:22 pm
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February 25th, 2012 at 05:19 pm 1330190378
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