Dd1 is having fun putting our plans together for New York and Boston. She has found some fun touristy type things to sign up for, has booked Amtrak, hotels, and has started building our itenerary. We are going to have so much fun!!
I am also anxious for the SA gathering in the Bay area of Cali this July. I am very excited to finally meet several blogging sisters!!
DD2 had to take the foster baby boy to ER tonight..so I have GS. foster baby has signs of the flu, but also asthma and possible bowel obstruction. Poor little guy. They are still at er. GS is sound asleep in the "big bed" (grammas bed)...so I will need to get up a little early to take him home in the am.
I am really ready for the weekend. Its been a tough, heartbreaking week...and a break sounds good.
The former houseguest came by and got the rest of her stuff tonight. I am glad this is fully resolved - and without issue.
Well, since I need to get up early...its time for bed.
Boston, New York, San Francisco...oh my!
March 16th, 2012 at 05:02 am
March 16th, 2012 at 05:14 am 1331874862
March 16th, 2012 at 04:21 pm 1331914877
March 17th, 2012 at 02:47 am 1331952435
Is it July yet???